Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Friday, September 25

Shore Leave Comes to an End

Port call for the Enterprise is coming to a close. All crew have been issued orders to report back to the Enterprise starting next week. By the end of the week, we should be back in space, refreshed, and ready for a new mission. Maintenance, repairs, and upgrades are nearly complete, and our 1,000+ crew will begin trickling back to the Enterprise, starting on Monday.

I, myself, have been down in the colony on Qualor III for the past few weeks. I’ve been renting a cottage just outside of Blue Rose. I started writing a new book (you may have heard of my first one, already near the top of the Human best-seller charts), I’ve been enjoying the outdoors (as well as the sights and sounds of the local community), I’ve made quite a few new friends down here, and, yes, I bought a new ship -- to replace my recently lost Type-6 shuttle, the “Eagle”. I will be bringing it back with me, and have clearance to park it (with regular mission use) in Shuttlebay 3. Oh, yes, and we have some new auxiliary staff assigned to the PAO.

It’s been an interesting month.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

September 25, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)