This page provides a stellar cartography listing for the entire Bajor Sector.
The number chart (below) provides access to the stellar cartography listing for nearby sectors. The numbers show the local sectors in relation to each other. These sectors are named after the most notable star systems in each sector, and follow Federation naming conventions.
These sector numbers are not the official Federation sector designations.
One sector is a cube of space 20 light years wide.
- 01 = Cardassia Sector -- (Cardassian space / the bulk of the Badlands)
- 02 = Bajor Sector -- (the frontier of claimed Federation space)
- 03 = Trill Sector -- (Federation space)
- 04 = Tohvun Sector -- (Cardassian-Federation border)
- 05 = Ronara Sector -- (Cardassian space / Cardassian-Federation border)
Terok Nor Crew | Terok Nor Auxiliary Vessels
Bajor Sector: -- (14 star systems)
- Deep Space Phenomena
- Badlands -- (11 LY from Bajor) - (partial)
- region of intense plasma storms and gravitational anomalies
- location of Athos System (see below)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Federation star systems
- Koralis -- (5 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-M / red giant)
- Koralis I -- (B-class)
- Koralis II -- (A-class)
- Koralis III -- (L-class)
- Tempus Station -- (Federation (non-Starfleet) orbital space station; includes the local offices of DTI)
- Federation planetary science outpost (located within a previously abandoned mining complex)
- abandoned orbital tether
- Starfleet planetary facility
- Starfleet science planetary outpost
- Starfleet Regula-class orbital space station
- Starfleet orbital shipyard
- Trill orbital shipyard
- Trill orbital space stations
- Trill planetary military bases
- Trill defense fleet
- Federation planetary spaceport
- Federation civilian orbital ship maintenance facility
- Federation Army planetary base
- Federation Port Guard defense fleet
- Asteroid Field
- Koralis IV -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Oberon -- (--)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-G / yellow)
- Oberon I -- (B-class)
- Oberon II -- (A-class)
- Oberon -- (M-class) -- multi-species colony world
- 168,000 individuals
- Oberon IV -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Oberon V -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Solossos -- (15 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-A / light blue)
- Solosos I -- (B-class)
- Solosos II -- (B-class)
- Solosos III -- (M-class) -- Federation colony world
- 8,000 Federation citizens
- Solosos IV -- (J-class / gas giant)
- Solosos V -- (C-class)
- Solosos VI -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cardassian star systems
- Bajor
- Stars = 1 -- (class-G / yellow)
- Bajor I -- (B-class)
- Bajor II -- (B-class)
- Bajor III -- (B-class)
- Bajor IV -- (B-class)
- Bajor V -- (N-class)
- Bajor VI -- (H-class)
- Cajara -- (L-class)
- 3 moons
- Andros -- (K-class) -- Bajoran colony world
- 25,000 Bajorans (in pressure domes)
- Unspecified Cardassians (occupation forces)
- 2 moons
- Bajor IX -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Plasma Field = Denorios Belt
- Bajor X -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Bajor -- (M-class) -- Bajoran Homeworld
- Government: Bajoran Republic
- 3.8 billion Bajorans
- Unspecified Cardassians (occupation forces)
- 5 moons (Derna, Jaraddo....)
- network of orbital satellites
- Terok Nor -- (Nor-class ore processing station)
- Cardassian planetary military bases
- Cardassian orbital shipyards
- Bajor XII -- (C-class)
- Bajor XIII -- (C-class)
- Bajor XIV -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Trivas -- (3 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-M / red giant)
- Empok Nor -- (Nor-class ore processing station)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Yeevam -- (6 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-F / white)
- Yeevam I -- (B-class)
- Prophet's Landing -- (M-class) -- Bajoran colony world
- 14,000 Bajorans
- Unspecified Cardassians (occupation forces)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Non-Aligned star systems
- Athos -- (11 LY from Bajor) - (*location assumed)
- Located within the Badlands
- Stars = 1 -- (class-M / red)
- Athos I -- (B-class)
- Athos II -- (F-class)
- Athos III -- (H-class)
- Athos IV -- (M-class)
- barren; fog-shrouded planet surface
- abandoned fistrium mining colony
- Athos V -- (C-class)
- Athos VI -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bardeezi -- (6 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 4 -- (class-F) (class-K) (class-K) (class-M)
- Bardeezi I -- (B-class)
- Bardeezi II -- (B-class)
- Bardeezi Prime -- (L-class) -- Bardeezan Homeworld
- Government: (no global government)
- 5.7 billion Bardeezans
- network of orbital satellites
- Bardeezan planetary military bases
- Bardeezan orbital space station
- Bardeezan orbital shipyards
- Bardeezi IV -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Bardeezi V -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fahleena -- (7 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 3 -- (class-K) (class-M) (Class-M)
- Fahleena I -- (B-class)
- Fahleena II -- (G-class)
- Fahleena III -- (M-class) -- multi-species colony world
- all settlements restrict the use of advanced technologies, like phasers and transporters (except in emergencies)
- 350,000 individuals
- several well-known resorts
- Fahleena IV -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Fahleena V -- (J-class / gas giant)
- Fahleena VI -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kobliad -- (14 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 2 -- (class-F) (Class-F)
- Kobliad I -- (B-class)
- Kobliad II -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Kobliad -- (L-class) -- Kobliad Homeworld
- Kobliads are nearing extinction; they need deuridium to stablize their cell structures
- Government: Kobliad Republic
- 2.3 billion Kobliads
- network of orbital satellites
- Kobliad planetary military bases
- Kobliad orbital space station
- Kobliad orbital shipyards
- Fahleena IV -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nivoch -- (10 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-G / yellow)
- Nivoch I -- (B-class)
- Nivoch II -- (B-class)
- Nivoch -- (M-class) -- multi-species colony world
- 168,000 individuals
- Nivoch IV -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Nivoch V -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Regulon -- (11 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 3 -- (class-A) (Class-K) (Class-M)
- Regulon -- (O-class) -- multi-species colony world
- 38,000 individuals
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Valo -- (11 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-G / yellow)
- Valo I -- (M-class) -- Bajoran refugee colonies
- 300 Bajorans
- 3 moons (Valo 1a, Valo 1b, Valo 1c)
- Valo II -- (M-class) -- Bajoran refugee colonies
- 1,500 Bajorans
- Valo III -- (M-class) -- Bajoran refugee colonies
- 9,500 Bajorans
- Valo IV -- (gas giant)
- Valo V -- (J-class / gas giant)
- Valo VI -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Valo VII -- (I-class / gas supergiant)
- Valo VIII -- (C-class)
- Valo IX -- (C-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Xepol -- (13 LY from Bajor)
- Stars = 1 -- (class-A / light blue)
- Xepol I -- (B-class)
- Xepol II -- (H-class)
- Xepol III -- (K-class) -- Xepolite colony world
- 120,000 Xepolites (in pressure domes)
- Xepolite orbital shipyard
- Xepolia -- (L-class) -- Xepolite Homeworld
- Government: Xepolite Confederation
- 6.7 billion Xepolites
- network of orbital satellites
- Xepollite planetary military bases
- Xepolite orbital space station
- Xepolite orbital shipyards
- Xepol V -- (A-class)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------