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Wednesday, March 10

Terra Nova: Lieutenant Worf is Dead

This post was shared from Lieutenant Sam Archer, while on a mission aboard the runabout SS Terra Nova. It is archived here for mission report purposes.

I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll be blunt…. Chancellor K’mpec and the Klingon High Council have informed us that Lieutenant Worf Rozhenko is dead. They executed him for treason, a capital crime for which his bloodline was guilty.

Apparently, Mogh, Worf’s biological father, was discovered to be the man who provided security codes to the Romulans during their sneak attack on Khitomer twenty years ago. The colony was wiped out, and thousands of Klingon men, women and children died. Lieutenant Worf, a child at the time, was the only survivor. He has now been executed to pay for his father’s crime, and to avenge the honor of those who died.

From the information we have gathered during this mission, Lieutenant Worf Rozhenko left the Enterprise, and met a Klingon commander at the G’araxa colony. The two men traveled to Qo’Nos, where Worf chose to challenge the accusations against his father, with the Klingon commander as his aide. Shortly after the proceedings began, however, Worf’s aide was murdered. A day later, after the evidence of Mogh’s crime was presented to the High Council, Worf was executed in accordance with Klingon law.

Chancellor K’mpec made it clear that Lieutenant Worf’s body has been disposed of, in accordance with the execution of a traitor to the Empire.

Our mission crew is deeply shaken by this news. We had hoped to bring Lieutenant Worf home, but, now, no longer seem to have the ability to do so. We will remain on Qo’Nos until we are able to confirm – with our own eyes – that this news is, indeed, accurate. A visit to the morgue, tomorrow, should provide us with concrete proof of Lieutenant Worf’s fate.

I wish I had better news to report. I wish I knew how to express how I really feel.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer
March 10, 2366 -- (Original Devron Timeline, altered by temporal anomaly)