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Tuesday, March 9

Terra Nova: Calling In A Favor

This post was shared from Lieutenant Sam Archer, while on a mission aboard the runabout SS Terra Nova. It is archived here for mission report purposes.

Well, well, well, would you look at that…. now the Klingons are willing to talk. They have changed their tune, and have agreed to hear our request.

We secured the services of a legal arbiter – a Klingon attorney of high standing – who was provided to us by a Klingon commander, as the fulfilment of a debt of honor to one of our Enterprise crew (thank you, Lieutenant David Brown). This Klingon arbiter has secured, for us, a direct meeting with the Klingon High Council tomorrow afternoon. We have been informed that Lieutenant Worf Rozhenko’s disappearance is tied to political affairs, and that we will be provided with details – in person -- by Chancellor K’mpec himself.

While I am relieved that we finally broke through the wall of silence, I am also uneasy about standing in the High Council Chamber, surrounded by the most powerful leaders of the Klingon Empire. I am only there as a witness, our mission leader will be doing the talking, but the gravity of the experience is not lost on me. I will be only one of a small handful of Humans to ever set foot within the Council Chamber. Even my far more worthy ancestor, Jonathan Archer (a Starfleet captain, and, later, a politician and UFP President), never had this opportunity.

To be honest, I may not sleep well tonight. I doubt my tiny runabout cabin will be able to hold the immensity of my thoughts. Maybe I’ll go for a long walk around the space port. They keep that lit, and well policed at all hours of the day.

Speaking of which, I attached a photo of an area of the capital city here on Qo’Nos. I took this photo last night, as the sun was going down. The city looks beautiful with all these lights, but, at night, the streets are far too dark for my tastes. Apparently, Klingons like it that way. If I do take a walk tonight, I won’t be venturing beyond the streets of the spaceport.

Well, that’s all for today. Tomorrow I go where few Humans have gone before.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer
March 9, 2366 -- (Original Devron Timeline, altered by temporal anomaly)