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Wednesday, January 22

A Visit From Admiral Janeway

The Public Affairs Office has been notified that Admiral Edward Janeway plans to visit the Enterprise tomorrow. As the available PAO currently aboard-ship, that requires me to organize his visit. While that means I will have to extend my stay in-office until Friday, it will be a pleasure to see Admiral Janeway again. He was the flag officer who presided over the commissioning of the Enterprise-D two years ago.

I am also told that the Admiral wishes to meet with me in regards to my personal experiences during the past few months. While I have already debriefed other command personnel since arriving at Earth, it will be an honor to talk to Admiral Janeway directly. He has been an ardent supporter of the Federation’s political interactions with the Adamoi, and, I hear that he and I share a similar interest in the legendary Iconians.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

January 22, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)