Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
Sam Archer   |   Tessa Kensington   |   Cassie Queen   |||   ABOUT OUR STORY

Tuesday, October 31

Cosday 2369

Happy Cosday!

Today’s cultural holiday (previously known as “Halloween” 300 years ago) is the day in which Humans, throughout the Federation, celebrate their love of characters, fictional or historic. We dress up in costumes, attend character parties, participate in themed character events, share family-friendly cosplay activities, and more. Beloved characters and stories are everywhere. Today we celebrate the joy and creativity that they bring to our lives.

The Enterprise-D Public Affairs crew is getting in on the fun as well, and will, hopefully, do so every year. My staff and I were fortunate to get an early start on our costumes this Spring, and we were able to expedite their completion in time for today’s celebration.

This year, our chosen PAO theme is the “Marvel Cinematic Universe”. Tessa, Cassie, and myself have created costumes representing our favorite MCU characters, and we will be wearing them in the PAO lounge later this evening (starting at 1900 hours). Everyone aboard is welcome to stop by and see which MCU characters we chose (photos will be posted here, on our FB page, later this week). Themed refreshments will be served as well, created by our wonderful PAO deck 2 kitchen staff.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

October 31, 2369 – (Devron Prime Timeline)