Our crew remains healthy and in good spirits, despite the earlier uncertainty over what we might find upon arrival. As far as we can tell, we are witnessing a benign energy anomaly that is fueled by something – natural, or unnatural -- at its center. It does not appear to be harming the surrounding space, the ships present, or their crews. It shouldn’t be here – in the Devron System – but it does not appear to be a threat. Perhaps, if we can manage a new diplomatic channel, the Romulans may have gathered additional scientific data that they would be willing to share.
[PAO post: supplemental commentary]
I’m adding this note, before final posting, to document additional observations. Something appears to be occurring within the Devron Anomaly. The energy output is rising. This suggests the possibility that something new may be altering the energy source inside the phenomena. We still have no ability to scan beyond the outer boundaries, so no additional facts to report, but we can deduce based upon what we see.
We will continue to….
[communication terminated]
[channel lost]
May 18, 2363 – (Devron Prime Timeline)