Our new captain, Jean-Luc Picard, has taken command of the Enterprise. He left his previous command, the USS Majestic (Miranda-class) -- also in orbit of Earth, and was ferried to the Enterprise aboard the shuttlecraft Galileo. Our Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant Natasha Yar, was his pilot, and the first of our crew to welcome him aboard. Transfer orders were read to a small gathering of personnel in Shuttlebay 2, command codes were activated, greetings were exchanged, and a senior officer reception was held in Ten Forward, hosted by our lovely and gracious lounge manager, Ms. Dayna Winslow.
Following completion of our ongoing communication array upgrades, as well as an unexpected problem with the plasma inducers, we will likely depart Earth, sometime this weekend, for our diplomatic mission to Deneb IV.
-Lieutenant Sam Archer
May 5, 2363 – (Devron Prime Timeline)