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Monday, May 1

A Sam Archer Quantum Leap

Now that the Enterprise is back in port, I have a personal admission to make. I don’t remember our mission to the Tellidaris Nebula. It’s not that I have forgotten, I, genuinely, have no memory of the mission. Most of April is a blank for me.

Shortly after we arrived at the nebula, I essentially lost consciousness, I gained no memory of April’s events, and then my consciousness returned shortly before we arrived, back at Earth. My shipmates claim that I was operating normally, and with my full faculties the entire time, but I have no memory of any of it. In fact, it almost feels as if someone else had control of me. The whole situation reminds me of an old Earth television show called, “Quantum Leap”. Someone leapt into my body for the entire Tellidaris mission, and then leapt back out a few days ago.

I can't confirm any of this, but that is what it felt like.

Now that I feel that I am in control again, I have had extensive interviews with both ship security and the counseling department. I even have Vulcan-initiated mental blocks to prevent this from happening a second time. I am me again.... as far as I can tell, anyway.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

May 1, 2363 – (Devron Prime Timeline)