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Monday, April 26

Watching The Stars

Our runabout, USS Liberty, has not yet returned from Gellius. We assumed they would be back -- with a rescue vessel -- as late as yesterday, however, that timeline was not met. We hope they remain safe, and we will continue to watch the stars for their return.

We also have not seen any evidence of the Starfleet vessels that claim to be searching for us. Mathematically speaking, they should have found us by now. Either their crew representatives were pulling a fast one on us (via our PAO platform), or there may be something else going on that we have not yet identified. We remain safe, and secure, however, without the assistance of a rescue vessel, our damaged warp engines remain inoperative.

Additional mission options are under consideration.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

April 26, 2366 -- (Original Devron Timeline, altered by temporal anomaly)