Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Monday, December 28

Attending the Sherman's Ball

Last night, Tessa Kensington and I attended the Sherman’s Ball Christmas Formal -- at Admiral Behnke’s invitation. It was hosted at a banquet hall in Port Emily, down on Sherman’s Planet, and there were many in attendance, including several Enterprise command personnel. There was dancing, socializing, dinner, and gift baskets -- everything you would expect from a swanky holiday party. I haven’t been to an event like this since before I was posted at Starfleet Command. Tessa was equally excited, having never attended anything quite as elaborate.

The attached image was taken from the holosystem in Tessa Kensington's office, shortly before we beamed down to the event. I brought the celebrity; Tessa brought the grace. I’d say the two of us represented the PAO quite well.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

December 28, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline, altered by temporal anomaly)