Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Tuesday, May 26

Doctor Beverly Crusher to Join the Enterprise

I have some good news to report. A commship arrived from Earth this evening (after a 15-day journey), and delivered confirmation that Commander Beverly Crusher has accepted Captain Picard’s transfer request. She will become the USS Enterprise’s new chief medical officer. Doctor Crusher, and her 15-year-old son, Wesley, are currently en route aboard a transport vessel, and will arrive sometime on Sunday.

Also aboard that transport vessel (arriving Sunday), are two additional officers. Lieutenant (JG) Marika Wilkarah, a warp engineer, will be joining our engineering department. Marika is a Bajoran, and, interestingly enough, the first of her species to join Starfleet. Lieutenant Michael Eddington will be transferring into our security department.

A few personnel, currently aboard the Enterprise, will be then be transported back to Earth, and are slated for new assignments elsewhere in the fleet. I do not have a list of those individuals available to share at this time.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

May 26, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)