Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Friday, March 27

History Has Been Preserved

The forest fires continue to burn on the planet below us. It stings, knowing that we caused this destruction, however, I can report that the energy particles in the atmosphere are gone now – burned away as intended. We sent a probe, followed by a manned shuttle, down to the planet, and both landed safely on the surface. The time-travel element is gone, the ancient mound-temple is destroyed (along with the “gateway” ring), and planet’s history has been preserved.

The shuttle away team took a few readings, and gathered a small collection of specimens, before they had to be recalled. Major storms, high wind, forest fires, and growing dust/ash clouds make most of the surface too dangerous to remain. The fires will eventually burn themselves out, and the storms will subside as the new environment balances itself out. For now, though, this planet is not a safe place to visit. We will remain in orbit for a few days, monitor the situation, and do what we can to ensure that the planet can become the arid surface Tessa, Cassie and Lieutenant Brown visited nine years in the future.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

March 27, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)