There does appear to be one area on the planet that features an unusually placed hill, with a series of smaller hills nearby – possible burial mounds for a primitive culture that no longer exists. A mix of deciduous forest and open meadows cover this area. Since this area seems to be of most interest to our crew, this will be our landing zone for any visits to the planet.
Captain Picard has reviewed the scan data, and approved limited travel for anyone interested in visiting this stunning wilderness. There have already been requests to explore the mounds up close, science interest in the ecology and plant life, and a few other individuals that have asked for leave to organize camping and hiking opportunities.
No significant threats have been identified on the surface, so visits down to the planet will begin tomorrow afternoon. Our two Pullman-class transports, other shuttles, and a Marine shuttle escort (just to be on the safe side) will depart the Enterprise at 1600 hours with the first group of crew and equipment. Our transports will then begin operating on scheduled departures for any other personnel who wish to visit the planet in the coming days. A runabout will land shortly after the first group, and provide a mobile transporter pad – for emergency use.
In addition to crew transportation, I have also granted Lieutenant (JG) Tessa Kensington, and Ensign Cassie Queen use of my personal shuttle, the “Eagle”, so that they can enjoy a camping trip near the landing zone. I will be staying aboard the Enterprise to complete a few projects, but may take the opportunity to visit this wilderness planet later in the week.
-Lieutenant Sam Archer
February 24, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)