Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Thursday, January 16

Some Down Time On Earth

I will be leaving the Enterprise tomorrow afternoon aboard my shuttle, the "Eagle". I will be dropping off Ensign Mara Janie in Arlington, Texas, and then my other passenger, Lieutenant (JG) Tessa Kensington, and I will fly up to San Francisco where I have been invited to stay and visit with her and her family for the weekend. I will then fly home to Brillion, Wisconsin, and spend some time with my own family, before returning here to the Enterprise.

It will be nice to get the Eagle out, and let her spread her wings!

The Enterprise will be in port/orbit for at least the next two weeks. There isn’t likely to be much of note happening during that time – other than the port projects that I mentioned yesterday, so it should be a relatively low-key stay. If you’re heading out on leave, be safe. If you’re visiting family, make the most of this time, because we may not be back to Earth for a while.

Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Almost-Friday!

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

January 16, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)