Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
Sam Archer   |   Tessa Kensington   |   Cassie Queen   |||   ABOUT OUR STORY

Tuesday, January 14

Preparing For Port Call

Tomorrow, the Enterprise will arrive at Earth. We will drop out of warp, and make our way into orbit around the heart of the Federation. We will remain at Earth for two weeks, although, it may be longer depending upon scheduling needs. During port call, our command crew will be interviewed by Starfleet, a few unused areas of the ship will be remodeled, and our non-essential personnel will be granted leave. I’m told that we may even be exchanging a number of embarked shuttles with upgraded replacements.

I, myself, will be aboard the Enterprise for most of our stay, although, I am planning a trip back to Wisconsin, to visit my family, during the early days. I’ll be traveling there in my shuttle, the “Eagle”, and will be making a brief stop in San Francisco to drop off Lieutenant (JG) Tessa Kensington. She and her family have invited me to visit while we are in orbit.

All-in-all, it should be a rather low-key port call. A large percentage of our crew is from Earth, Luna and Mars, so I anticipate many availing themselves of this opportunity to visit family and friends. As a result, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Enterprise is quiet and sparsely populated while we are here. I don’t think I’ll mind, though. I rather like the peace and quiet.

ETA to Earth – sometime tomorrow afternoon.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

January 14, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)