Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Monday, January 6

Destination: Earth

Well, folks, we’re going home. The Enterprise has been recalled to Earth after more than six months in space. We have been ordered to Earth for debriefings, interviews, and meetings with Starfleet Command. We have experienced a great deal since our diplomatic mission to the Adamoi. Now we discuss our subsequent discoveries – in person -- with our superiors at HQ. They already have our mission logs and reports; this is standard procedure for any vessel and its crew after an extended deployment.

At the moment, we are roughly 40 light years from Earth. It will be about nine days until we return to the heart of the Federation. There isn’t likely to be much going on while we are at warp, so I may take this opportunity to continue our visual tour of the Enterprise. This is a big ship, there are many areas you have not yet seen.

Our first extended deployment is coming to a close. We’ve done well, and we’ve added to our knowledge of the galaxy. For most of us, Earth is home, and we will likely have a period of leave while we are there. Enjoy these nine days. It’s time for a break among family and friends.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

January 6, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)