Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Wednesday, May 11

Transported 100 Light Years Across The Federation

We’re alive. At least, I think we are. The anomaly in the Devron System is gone, and, apparently, so are we. According to our sensors, we have been transported 100 light years -- across the Federation -- to within five light years of Cardassian space. If our sensors are accurate, we should be somewhere near the Federation Iadara Colony. Why we are here, though, and how the USS Enterprise was transported this far -- in an instant, remains a mystery.

Since we are not within proximity of any deep space beacons, we have not yet been able to confirm the stardate, or our exact coordinates. We’re working on that, though.

We have also picked up a minor spatial anomaly at our coordinates, although, we know very little about it at the present time. As our crew becomes capable, I could have more to report.

As far as the “Devron Anomaly”, questions remain regarding those two Galay-class starships that were inside the phenomena with us. Captain Picard claimed that they were Enterprise’s from two other timelines, however, when asked about these events more recently, he had no recollection of his comments, the other ships, or even ordering us into the anomaly in the first place.

Captain Picard does seem to be genuine in his claims, though, so we can only assume that he has either lost his memory, or somehow, someone else was controlling his actions. We, of course, have no evidence to support either possibility, but, if the second were true, I suppose that might explain the Captain’s strange behavior ever since we left Earth.

Regardless of Captain Picard’s true state of mind, his idea to create a static warp shell worked. The “Devron Anomaly” flashed out of existence, and we found ourselves here, near Cardassian space. Since we are no longer in the Romulan Neutral Zone, we cannot confirm the official status of the “Devron Anomaly”, however, we assume that it disappeared – just as we did.

Oh, and then there’s the getting younger thing...

Before we entered the “Devron Anomaly”, we started hearing reports from the crew that their old injuries and scars were healing themselves – a result of anti-time, apparently -- “reverse time” interacting upon normal time. Not long after, we heard reports of people “growing younger” all over the ship. We learned of young children becoming infants again, and grown adults "de-aging” by a handful of years. Biologically, these occurrences are impossible – they go against the laws of life. Yet, here we are, living proof that time – and biology -- did travel backwards.

Unfortunately, now that the anomaly is gone – or, we’re gone, however you choose to look at it -- every person aboard the Enterprise is now five years younger than they were before the Anomaly. And, since getting younger means that the chemistry of our brains become younger as well, memories from those de-aged years have been lost. Our crew has no memory of being assigned to the Enterprise, and everyone is as they were back in 2358. Every memory, experience, and learned skill from the past 5 years is gone. They no longer exist in our brains. Even Lieutenant Commander Data has “de-aged”, although, as a machine, his systems and internal algorithms have merely reset to five years ago. Beyond that, he seems to be largely unphased by the situation.

Strangely, Captain Picard and myself appear to be the only crew members that did not suffer any memory loss. While both of us are five years younger – just like everyone else, we remember those lost years. Why the two of us were spared this loss remains unknown.

With all of these things affecting the crew, as well as random system errors in every ship database, chaos and confusion reign supreme aboard the Enterprise. Those of us adapting more easily are doing what we can to ease the frustration of others. There has been no reactionary violence among the crew, but our sanity has been put to the test. We’ll get through this – as a crew – but none of us will ever be the same as we once were. Time has thrown us a curveball, and we’re still trying to figure out how to put the ball into play.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

Date Unknown – (Devron Timeline 3.0)