Public Affairs Officer Profiles:
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Wednesday, May 4

Deja Vu & Dreams

The Enterprise is still at warp, bound for the Neutral Zone. We’ve been ordered to investigate a massive anomaly that has been reported inside the Devron System – an event that, if not managed well, could upset relations between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. We should arrive there sometime on Monday.

As we travel these 30 light years, our crew is also experiencing an unexplained sense of déjà vu. It feels as if we’ve done this before. It feels as though we’ve already visited the Devron System – more than once, in fact – and have completed this mission – more than once, although, we have no actual memory of doing so. A strange sense of dread has blanketed the Enterprise. It feels as though we are warping into a bad situation, although, none of us know what that situation will be.

I, myself, have also been dealing with an added element to all of this. I’ve been experiencing a growing sense of, what I can only define as, guilt. I feel as if the crew is experiencing déjà vu because of me – or, at least, because of something of which I was a willing participant.

Last night, I dreamt of being aboard a runabout, and I was forced to watch – helplessly -- as the Enterprise exploded in front of me. I survived, but the Enterprise crew did not. There was some sort of anomaly involved, another runabout tried to force its way into the boundaries of that anomaly, it was destroyed, there was a flash of light, the anomaly “changed its shape”, and then I woke up here – aboard the Enterprise, warping toward an unknown anomaly in the Devron System. I feel like we’ve already done this multiple times.

This is, of course, all circumstantial, at best. A dream is a dream, and I rarely ever have prophetic dreams, nonetheless, with everything happening right now, this déjà vu, my sense of guilt, our mission…. maybe there is something legitimate at play here.

I’ve already presented my concerns to our new ship’s counselor, Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi. She’ll take them under consideration, and share them with the XO, acting first officer, Lieutenant Commander Data, if appropriate. I sincerely hope nothing comes of all this, but, at the rate we’re going, I fear something big – and life-changing – may be waiting in our future. I sincerely hope that something big doesn’t result in our destruction.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

May 4, 2363 – (Devron Timeline 3.0)