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Tuesday, March 29

Cause and Effect

This post was shared from Lieutenant Sam Archer, while aboard the runabout, SS Terra Nova. It is archived here for mission report purposes.
There is something seriously wrong with the USS Enterprise.

On Thursday, shortly after our three runabouts launched from the Enterprise Main Shuttlebay (and after we had moved some distance away from the ship), we registered the sudden appearance of a spatial anomaly off the Enterprise starboard bow. Moments later, a Soyuz-class starship, identified as the long-missing USS Bozeman, emerged from the anomaly, and collided with the Enterprise starboard nacelle. The impact was so severe, that it caused the complete destruction of both vessels. There were no survivors.

Following the shock of witnessing the sudden loss of the Enterprise, our runabouts immediately converged on the coordinates of both explosions. We were surprised, however, to find no debris. Not a single bolt from either ship was found. In addition, the anomaly had disappeared, leaving our runabouts, alone, parked in deep space.

Instead of continuing to each planned assignment, our three runabouts remained at the coordinates of the explosions. Our mission had now changed to an investigation. We were compelled to determine the nature of what we had just witnessed.

Later that evening, our runabouts picked up the USS Enterprise-D entering the area, from the same trajectory it had arrived on earlier in the day. We watched as the ship launched the same runabouts we are currently aboard, the same spatial anomaly reappeared, the same USS Bozeman exited the anomaly, and the two ships collided, and exploded, just as they had fifteen hours earlier. Moments after the explosions, the debris, the duplicate runabouts, and the anomaly itself disappeared, just as it had before.

Now, five days later, we, aboard the primary runabouts, have witnessed the USS Enterprise, and USS Bozeman, collide and explode nine times. Each time events have played out exactly as the first time, Thursday morning. If the pattern continues, as it has so far, everything will likely happen again at around 2330 hours tonight.

We believe the USS Enterprise, and the USS Bozeman, are caught in some sort of repeating time loop. And that time loop appears to be connected, in some way, to the disappearing – and reappearing – spatial anomaly.

We’ve tried communicating with both ships, to no avail. We’ve even used light-based morse code to catch their attention, but nothing has worked. It would appear that neither ship sees us, or knows that we – the original runabouts -- are out here. Our science personnel (aboard our three runabouts) have developed the theory that the Enterprise is likely stuck within a closed time loop, and the crew undoubtedly has no idea that time – as they perceive it – keeps repeating. So far, there is nothing that we can do to help them break the loop.

We’ll keep running theories and simulations, but, as of yet, all we can do is watch as history tragically repeats itself every fifteen hours. We’re lucky not to be caught up in the loop ourselves, however, I would give just about anything not to keep watching my home, my PAO staff, and all my Enterprise friends die over, and over again.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer
March 29, 2368 – (Devron Timeline w/ Temporal War Reset)