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Monday, May 25

Memorial Day

Today on (our) Earth, the United States of America celebrates Memorial Day. It is a day in which the USA honors those who have given their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. US Service men and woman have participated in conflicts including the (current) Cardassian War, the Federation-Tzenkethi War, the Kovaalan War (that led to the founding of the Federation), World War III, the Eugenics Wars (which put an end to Augment technology on Earth), and all American terrestrial wars that came before.

Since Lieutenant (JG) Kensington and I are United States citizens, we salute those servicemen and women who died to preserve our freedom. We honor those who gave their lives in defense of the United States, Earth, and colonies of the United Federation of Planets.

May those who have fallen never be forgotten.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

May 25, 2365 -- (Original Devron Timeline)