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Saturday, June 15

The Devron Timeline

I was having a discussion with some of our temporal physics personnel in Ten Forward earlier today, and we were discussing the topic of alternate timelines. Theoretically, there could be trillions of alternate timelines, each one branching off from this one. Our recent experience with the Devron Anomaly suggests that there are at least two other realities, as evidenced by the two other versions of the USS Enterprise-D along us inside the phenomena. We never made contact with those Enterprises – we don’t know where they came from – but they were there.

At one point, our conversation drifted toward what we might call our timeline -- if there was ever a need to differentiate it from others. Many ideas were presented, but in the end, only one seemed to fit the best – “The Devron Timeline”. To be honest, the anti-time anomaly in the Devron System did affect our past, present, and future, so, it would seem to define us rather well.

Our timeline is the only timeline we have ever known. The rest of the Federation never experienced what we experienced – entering an anti-time anomaly, de-aging, and traveling into the future. The universe may have its own views of this reality, and what it means to them, but to us, “The Devron Timeline” seems as good a name as any.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

June 15, 2364 -- (Original Devron Timeline)