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Tuesday, April 16

Captain Thomas Halloway Is Stepping Down

As a department head, I am already aware of this news, as is Starfleet Command, however, earlier today, Captain Halloway made it public – he is retiring from Starfleet.

Nearly two months ago, Thomas Halloway’s wife, Marla, was diagnosed with Liddleton’s Disease, a debilitating illness that slowly weakens the body until it can no longer function. It is terminal, and there is no cure. Over the past three weeks, Marla’s condition has deteriorated rapidly, and Captain Halloway has chosen to retire from active duty, so that he can be with her, on Earth, during the last few months of life that she has left.

Our hearts and prayers are with the Captain and his wife as they go through this trial together. It won’t be easy for either of them, but I don’t think any of us would begrudge him this decision. Family is important – even when you are the captain of Starfleet’s flagship.

With Captain Halloway leaving the Enterprise, we will need a new commanding officer. Starfleet Command has already gone back to the selection process, and will likely find an emergency replacement within the next week or two. We do not know how this might affect the rest of the senior staff. Hopefully, we will only be losing our captain.

As sad as this is to day, it would appear that the USS Enterprise-D was not destined to be commanded by Captain Thomas Halloway.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

April 16, 2363 -- (Original Devron Timeline // Devron Timeline w/ Temporal War Reset)
(Devron Timeline 3.0)