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Wednesday, March 6

Data, Chief Operations Officer

The USS Enterprise-D now has a Chief Operations Officer, and he is a one-of-a-kind officer. Yes, our new COO, Lieutenant Commander Data, is an android.

Data is one of only five androids created by the enigmatic cyberneticist, Dr. Noonian Soong. The other four have been destroyed or disassembled, with Data remaining the only operational model. No further androids are likely, as Dr. Soong died in a tornado on the agricultural science colony of Omicron Theta 21 years ago, and no one has been able to replicate his work with positronics.

After the death of his creator in 2342, Data chose to leave the Omicron Theta colony, and relocate to Earth. Living among Humans in the colony inspired him to learn more about humanity, and his interaction with the Starfleet scientists that worked there, motivated him to seek application to Starfleet Academy. Three years later, he began his Starfleet education.

Since graduation, Data has proven himself to be a dedicated Starfleet officer, despite the misgivings from many who are uncomfortable serving with a self-aware machine. Data has taken it in stride, however, and has made a name for himself in the fleet. He served two assignments as a science officer, and one as the Chief Operations Officer of the USS Bonchune (Nebula-class), before being assigned here to the Enterprise.

-Lieutenant Sam Archer

March 6, 2363 -- (Original Devron Timeline // Devron Timeline w/ Temporal War Reset)
(Devron Timeline 3.0 // Devron Prime Timeline)